Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer Reading Club is a Go!

If you haven't checked it out yet, log into and see what's happening. The first prize draw will be next Friday afternoon, so get your reviews posted! Not sure what you have to do for a review? Check out the FAQ at TeenSRC for some helpful hints. Don't stress, you don't get marked, and spelling doesn't count! We just want your real opinion about what you've been reading, good or bad. Rave, rant, use an excessive number of excalmation marks!!!!!!!!!!!

If you're still not sure you want to join the club, just head over and check it out without signing up. If your parent's are concerned about the online part of the online TeenSRC, rest assured that all books, posts, and forums are moderated by friendly neighbourhood librarians from across Canada.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

TeenSRC Update and Summer Programs

Only two weeks to go before school is done and you can read what you like! I've picked up the grand prize but I'm keeping it a secret for a little while yet. Our weekly prizes will be a library book bag with some goodies, and a book or dvd of your choice from my box. If you have other ideas, let me know.

When we did the Toilet Paper Prom dresses, I decided that we should do an altered jeans program this summer since the second Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie comes out in August. So hang on to those shabby jeans! We will be having our program on July 17 so we can wear them to the movie in August. I'll bring the paints, glitter, embroidery thread and beads, you bring the pants.

We will also be having a book launch party for Breaking Dawn. I thought earlier might be better than later since I hate it when somebody spoils a book I've been waiting for. We'll get together on July 31, but I'll let you know the details after TeenSRC is underway.