It's here! The Teen Summer Reading Club is waiting for your reviews. St. Albert Public Library is participating in an online summer reading project sponsored by the British Columbia Library Association so you will be interacting with teens from across the country. In order to participate you need to set up an account with the site. Be sure to indicate that you are from St. Albert Public Library so that you are eligible for our prize draws.
So how does it work? The TeenSRC summer club will run from June 28th through August 19th with the summer windup party on August 23rd. You get to read what you like for the summer and then submit reviews to the TeenSRC website through your account. Each week I will draw a prize winner from the reviews submitted from our library. Anyone who submits at least four reviews in the seven weeks of play will be eligible to come to the final party and their name will go in the draw for the grand prize iPod Nano!
Each review you post is moderated before it shows up on the listings. So how do you write a review? Don't panic, it's not that complicated and this isn't school. Here are some tips.
- Tell a bit about the book. Where is it set? Are the characters believable? Is it creepy, sad, funny, boring, realistic? Remember detail is good but NO SPOILERS. Reviews with spoilers don't get posted.
- Tell us your opinion! What made you like it or hate it? Did you like the dialogue, the characters, the plot, or the artwork? Why was it boring?
- Does it remind you of anything else? A movie, tv show or another book?
- Do you recommend it? This is where you get to rant or rave. Reviews are all about your experiences not anyone else's.
If you need some suggestions of books to read, check out the online booklists at the TeenSRCbooklists in the Teen Corner. You can always check out what other teens have been reading by looking at the reviews online.
Log on to www.TeenSRC.ca and get reading.
If you have questions, contact Kathleen at 459-1751 or ktroppmann@sapl.ab.ca
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