Monday, January 15, 2007

Eragon (the movie)

Against my better judgement, I went to see the movie Eragon this weekend. I have read both of the books in this series and enjoyed them both. I don't think that the writing was always brilliant, but compared to the movie it was sheer genious! The movie left out three quarters of the plot making the character development almost nonexistant. For people who don't know the complete story, it must have been very confusing. The CG work was okay, and the settings were beautiful (it was shot in Hungary) but the acting was thin through most of it. I can only hope that they don't make a sequel. If you are at all interested in the story, please read the book! They are thick, but they move quickly and are much more intellegent than the halfhearted plot the movie provided.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the movie, but haven't read the books. My daughter wanted to see it, so I went for her.

The movie was good enough for me to want to read the books and will soon. Movies are never as good as a book, or your imagination. But they are another way to be entertained...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your review. I loved the book/s [Eragon and Eldest] and the movie did not live up to this wonderful story. I definitely prefer to read the books rather than go to a movie as there is so much more. I prefer imagination! I guess if the movie prevokes one to read the book that's a good thing.